6 Kidney Stone Symptoms & How To Treat Them

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Cosa sono i calcoli renali?

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), a kidney stone is defined as ​"hard, pebble-like pieces of material that form in one or both of your kidneys when high levels of certain minerals are in your urine.” These pieces can also form anywhere along your urinary tract (in places such as your bladder, urethra, or ureter).

The size and type of kidney stones can determine the severity of the medical issues they cause, ranging from mild discomfort to excruciating pain and complications. Smaller stones may pass through the urinary tract with minimal pain, while larger stones may require medical intervention and pose a greater risk of complications.

Cause dei calcoli renali

Le cause dei calcoli renali variano a seconda della sostanza che li forma. La causa principale dei calcoli renali è rappresentata da livelli elevati di sostanze che formano i calcoli nelle urine, tra cui:

  • Calcio
  • Ossalato
  • Fosforo

These minerals are already present in urine and aren’t a cause of medical attention at low levels.

While these minerals are naturally present in urine, they can become problematic at high levels. The buildup of these substances can come from eating certain foods and beverages that contain high amounts of the mineral, especially if a person is already at risk or has a history of kidney stones.

Tipi di calcoli renali

There are a few different types of kidney stones that can form, such as calcium stones, uric acid stones, and more. The type of stone forme depends on the stone-forming substances present in the urine.

Pietre di calcio

Calcium stones (also known as calcium oxalate kidney stones) are the most common type of kidney stone. They are usually made from a substance called calcium-oxalate, though some are formed from calcium phosphate.

Gli alimenti ricchi di ossalato di calcio possono essere i principali responsabili della formazione di calcoli di calcio. Alcuni esempi di alimenti ricchi di ossalato di calcio sono:

  • Spinaci
  • Arachidi
  • Cioccolato
  • Other nuts/​nut products

Pietre dell'acido urico

I calcoli di acido urico si verificano quando i livelli di acido nelle urine sono troppo elevati. Sono il secondo tipo più comune di calcoli renali e si verificano in genere in soggetti affetti da determinate condizioni, tra cui:

  • Gotta
  • Diabete
  • Obesità
  • Metabolic conditions such as high blood pressure or high blood sugar

These stones have a higher chance of forming if a person’s diet includes large amounts of foods that increase acid levels, such as:

  • Pesce
  • Molluschi
  • Carne

Pietre di struvite

Struvite stones are composed of struvite (also known as magnesium ammonium phosphate), and occur when urine becomes too alkaline, or not acidic enough. These are less common, and usually occur in people with repeated urinary tract infections (UTIs) or can be the result of kidney infections. Treating an underlying urinary tract infection or a kidney infection can help prevent stones from forming.

Pietre di cistina

Cystine stones are the rarest type, and are formed from cystine, an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body. These stones usually affect those with cystinuria, an inherited condition that causes cystine acid to form stones in the kidneys. These stones typically form when cystine leaks from the kidneys into a person’s urine.

Sintomi dei calcoli renali

Symptoms of kidney stones may vary depending on the size. A person may pass small kidney stones without experiencing symptoms at all as small stones tend to pass through the body undetected. However, larger kidney stones can result in symptoms that include:

  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen, back or side, and/​or the groin.
  • Blood in the urine that makes urine appear pink, red, or brown in color.
  • Nausea or vomiting as a result of dealing with severe pain.
  • Urine anomale, ad esempio maleodoranti, torbide o scolorite.
  • Abnormal urination, such as frequently needing to pee, feeling the urge to pee but not being able to urinate, and/​or experiencing pain during urination.
  • In caso di infezione possono comparire febbre o brividi.

Fattori di rischio

There are a few risk factors that contribute to developing kidney stones, including

  • Storia familiare o personale

  • Gender: both men and women can get kidney stones, but men have a higher risk

  • Livelli di idratazione: non bere abbastanza acqua può causare calcoli renali.

  • Digestive diseases: such as inflammatory bowel disease can increase one’s risk of developing kidney stones

  • Surgeries: gastric bypass surgery and others may increase one’s risk of developing kidney stones

  • Diet: certain diets that are high in protein, salt, or sugar increases one’s risk of kidney stone development

  • Condizioni croniche: alcune condizioni mediche, come la cistinuria o le persone che si ammalano frequentemente di IVU, sono più a rischio di sviluppare calcoli renali.

Come vengono diagnosticati i calcoli renali?

In order for a kidney stone to be diagnosed, a complete physical exam and a health history assessment are required. Additionally, blood tests might be given to check the body’s levels of calcium, phosphorus, or uric acid. Other tests can be done to check for or rule out blockages, such as abdominal x‑rays, an ultrasound of the kidney, or a CT Scan.

A healthcare provider may also request that a kidney stone is captured and brought in so the type of kidney stone can be determined.

Quando rivolgersi al medico

Kidney stones in some cases may be small enough to pass without medical intervention and can do so without a person experiencing any symptoms. However, if you experience any symptoms such as severe pain in one side of the back or blood in your urine, seek medical attention immediately.

Passing a Kidney Stone

Passing a kidney stone can range from a matter of days to a matter of weeks, depending on the size, location, and how far along it is when discovered.

Un calcolo renale deve prima passare attraverso il rene, entrare nell'uretere, entrare nella vescica e quindi raggiungere l'uretra. La maggior parte del dolore si verifica quando il calcolo si trova nel rene e si muove attraverso l'uretere. Una volta che il calcolo raggiunge la vescica, il dolore in genere si attenua.

In general, kidney stones may pass in a week or two, but some can take up to three weeks. If the stone has not passed after four weeks, surgery may be required to remove it.

Trattamenti per i calcoli renali

I calcoli renali possono essere trattati in vari modi, come l'eliminazione del calcolo, la gestione del dolore e l'intervento chirurgico.

Passare la pietra in modo naturale

The primary approach for treating kidney stones typically involves natural methods to promote the passage of the stone. Drinking 6–8 glasses of water per day is recommended to increase urination, which can facilitate the movement of the stone through the urinary tract.

Gestione del dolore

To help alleviate severe pain, a healthcare provider may administer or recommend medication. Narcotic medicines may be prescribed in cases of extreme pain and antibiotics will be given if there is an infection present.

For less painful situations, medications such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or naproxen sodium may be prescribed. Additionally, non-medicated options such as a heating pad or taking a hot bath may help to alleviate discomfort.


Lithotripsy is a medical procedure that uses shockwaves in the kidney to help break up larger stones so they can pass through the urinary tract. Light anesthesia may be used, as the procedure can cause discomfort.


If a kidney stone becomes stuck in the ureter or the bladder, a healthcare provider may perform a ureteroscopy to retrieve it. A ureteroscopy involves inserting a ureteroscope (a small camera attached to a wire) through the urethra into the bladder. A small cage on the instrument is then used to capture the stone and remove it.

Complicazioni da calcoli renali

While kidney stones usually pass on their own or with aid from medication/​surgery, there can be some complications if a kidney stone is not addressed or taken care of, including:

  • Ematuria, altrimenti nota come sangue frequente durante la minzione
  • UTI
  • Severe pain due to a stone blocking the urinary system and preventing urination
  • Possible loss of kidney function/​infection

In presenza di sintomi di calcoli renali, è importante rivolgersi a un medico per evitare complicazioni.

Modi per prevenire i calcoli renali

While kidney stones can happen for a variety of reasons, there are some ways to help prevent them from forming, including

  • Mantenere una corretta idratazione: drinking plenty of water and fluids prevents dehydration, which is a common factor in kidney stone formation.
  • Mangiare più frutta e verdura: consumare più frutta e verdura, come arance, pompelmi, broccoli e lattuga, può contribuire a rendere l'urina meno acida.
  • Ridurre l'assunzione di sale: Gli alimenti e le diete ad alto contenuto di sodio possono contribuire alla formazione di calcoli renali, per cui l'uso del sale con moderazione può contribuire alla prevenzione.
  • Ridurre le proteine animali: le proteine animali come manzo, maiale, pollo e pesce possono aumentare i livelli di acido urico, contribuendo alla formazione di calcoli di acido urico.
  • Limitare gli alimenti ad alto contenuto di ossalato: chi è soggetto a calcoli renali di ossalato di calcio dovrebbe limitare alimenti come spinaci, frutti di bosco, cioccolato, crusca di frumento, noci, barbabietole, tè e rabarbaro.
  • Assumere una quantità sufficiente di calcio: despite the name ​"calcium stones,” having an appropriate intake of calcium foods can actually prevent kidney stones, because calcium from foods such as dairy binds with oxalate before they reach the kidneys. Talk to your healthcare provider regarding the appropriate amount of calcium for you.
  • Assunzione di farmaci: certain medications can be taken that will help prevent the formation of kidney stones, such as:
    • Allopurinolo per i calcoli di acido urico
    • Diuretici tiazidici per i calcoli di calcio
    • Bicarbonato di sodio o citrato di sodio per rendere meno acida l'urina
    • Soluzioni al fosforo che aiutano a prevenire la formazione di calcoli di calcio

I calcoli renali sono comuni?

I calcoli renali sono una condizione relativamente comune, in quanto possono colpire fino al 10-15% della popolazione statunitense, e una persona su 10 probabilmente sperimenterà almeno un calcolo renale nel corso della propria vita.

Si possono prevenire i calcoli renali?

A person can take measures to potentially prevent kidney stones, such as maintaining proper hydration and making dietary changes. However, it’s worth noting that certain factors such as gender, underlying medical conditions, and genetics may also play a role in the development of kidney stones.

I calcoli renali sono gravi?

I calcoli renali non trattati possono portare a complicazioni gravi, come le infezioni renali, che possono mettere a rischio la salute e persino la vita. Se si avvertono i sintomi dei calcoli renali, è essenziale rivolgersi tempestivamente a un medico per evitare ulteriori complicazioni.

Qual è il modo più rapido per alleviare il dolore da calcoli renali?

It’s important to discuss pain relief options with a provider before moving forward with a treatment plan as treatments can vary depending on stone size and its location in the body. However, common treatments for quick relief can include:

  • Assunzione di farmaci antidolorifici come ibuprofene (Advil), naprossene (Aleve) o acetaminofene (Tylenol)

  • Rimanere idratati bevendo molta acqua e altri liquidi.

  • Utilizzare un cuscinetto riscaldante sulla zona interessata o fare un bagno caldo.

I calcoli renali richiedono il ricovero in ospedale?

Although some kidney stones can pass naturally, others can cause severe symptoms that require medical attention. If the stone doesn’t pass and the symptoms worsen, healthcare professionals may need to intervene, which could include a visit to the emergency room and possibly hospitalization.

Il Pronto Soccorso rimuoverà il mio calcolo renale?

Se il calcolo è abbastanza piccolo da poter passare da solo, probabilmente vi verrà consigliato di bere molti liquidi per favorire il processo. Se il calcolo è grande o causa un'ostruzione, il personale del Pronto Soccorso può utilizzare tecniche per rompere il calcolo, come la litotrissia, o rimuoverlo chirurgicamente tramite ureteroscopia.

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